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*Full research dossier is available upon request.


Crop functional traits in managed environments

Current ecological theory suggests that the variation of plant functional traits in a cropping system may strongly predict agroecosystem functioning. My MSc thesis and subsequent collaborative publication documented variations of leaf functional traits in biodiverse coffee agroforestry systems, which link to variations in plant yield estimates. These variations occurred across farm management regimes and climato-edaphic conditions, demonstrating the importance of considering trait variability when making management decisions. Part of my doctoral thesis builds upon these findings to establish a link between leaf functional trait variation and pathogen severity, and to determine how foliar disease shapes intraspecific trait variation in agroecosystems. 

coffee beans on the shrub
coffee plant
coffee leaves
coffee agroforestry
Multi-species trait interactions and pathogen incidence

Multi-species agroecosystems have been proposed as a sustainable management technique to effectively defend against plant pathogens. This plant diversity changes microclimate conditions that can disrupt pathogen lifecycle stages and dispersal mechanisms. Part of my doctoral research investigates how specific traits of shade trees in coffee agroforestry systems modify microclimate conditions and wind speeds, in turn impacting pathogen incidence in multi-species coffee agroecosystems in Costa Rica. 

setting up microclimate sensors for cali
Tubingen splash cup
Burkard trap and wind sensors
spores under a microscope
Microclimate sensors
Belowground root strategies and soil microbial diversity 

Escalating pressures on plant communities, including pests and pathogens, can disrupt optimal plant functioning, including plant resource acquisition strategies. Research has highlighted how these strategies belowground are coordinated between plant roots and microbial communities, and the important role that management can play in shaping the belowground environment. Part of my doctoral research seeks to disentangle the dynamic effects of pathogens and agroecosystem management on root functional traits and root microbial populations . 

farmer crouching near coffee plant
person mixing inoculant mix
leaf infected with coffee leaf rust
decomposing leaves and fungi
AMF under a microscope


In-field procedures
  • Gas exchange for photosynthesis and stomatal conductance

    • LI-COR LI-6400XT

  • Ground penetrating radar for plant root detection​

    • NogginPlus

  • Microclimate sensors 

    • HOBO sensors for Onset data loggers​

  • Plant metrics

    • Diameter with DBH tape and micrometer

    • Height with clinometer

  • Tree coring and dendrochronology​​

  • Hemispherical photography and densiometer readings

  • Plant yield estimation (specifically for coffee plants)

  • R statistical programming

  • QIIME 2 bioinformatics platform
  • HOBOware for microclimate data collection
  • Gap Light Analyzer​ for tree canopy analyses
  • WinRhizo for root trait analyses
  • ImageJ for leaf trait analyses
  • CDendro for tree core analyses
Laboratory procedures
  • Flow injection analysis for soil orthophosphate, ammonia, nitrate
    • Lachat QuikChem 8500 Series 2

  • Atomic absorption spectroscopy of soil potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum concentrations

    • PerkinElmer AAnalyst 200 Spectrometer

  • Elemental analysis of total soil and leaf nitrogen and carbon

    • LECO CHN 628​

  • Ultraviolet - visible spectroscopy for plant phosphorous

    • UV-VIS ​Spectrophotometer 

  • pH measurements

    • VWR sympHony Meter​​

  • Microbial DNA analyses in plant and soil samples

    • PowerSoil and PowerPlant DNA extraction kits​

    • Gel electrophoresis

    • Polymerase chain reaction


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